Shunxin Fertilizer Machine & Production Line

Analysis about The Economic Profit of The Powdery Fertilizer

Cost of powdery organic fertilizer production: (After the fermentation treatment at the farm, the fertilizer will be pulled back to the factory for bagging.)

  1. Daily consumption of fresh cow dung: daily output of 12 tons × 2.7 square / ton × 15 yuan / square = 486 yuan (excluding freight) a subtotal of 40.6 yuan per ton.
  2. Annual production of 5,000 tons of organic fertilizer requires 100 tons of dry straw powder. (Summer use, from outside purchase) 170 yuan per ton, a total of 17,000 yuan, 3.4 yuan per ton.
  3. 3.The amount of strain is 1 / 15,000 per day 2.16 kg × 100 yuan = 216 yuan, 18 yuan per ton subtotal.
  4. 4. The freight is 20 yuan per ton. (From the farm to the packaging workshop.)
  5. The depreciation expenses of facilities and equipment are based on five years (equipment facilities, about 400,000 yuan per year according to the calculation of 200,000 yuan, 8 yuan per ton).
  6. Total salary. There are 5 workers, each with a monthly salary of 500 yuan, a total of 2,500 yuan / 30 = 83.3 yuan / 12t per month, a small amount of 6.94 yuan per ton.
  7. 7.Daily power consumption: time consumption 10 degrees × 2 hours / day × 0.6 yuan / degree = 12 yuan, 1 yuan per ton subtotal.

Pure powdery organic fertilizer (nutrient content of 9% or more organic matter about 75%). The total production cost per ton is about 97.94 yuan.

Economic Profit Analysis: The pure organic fertilizer produced by the fermentation mode for treating livestock manure is 97.94 yuan per ton. According to the national organic fertilizer standard, the cost of storage, such as packaging bags and packaging personnel, is 120 yuan/t. According to the current market, the price of dried cow dung is 260 yuan per ton. The profit per ton of gross profit is 140 yuan, except for the intermediary and transportation fees. The net profit is calculated at 50 yuan. The annual sales of 5,000 tons can be profitable by 250,000 yuan.



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